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Register for ParentSquare from the App
ParentSquare makes it easy to register for ParentSquare from the app. Follow the steps below:
1) Open up the ParentSquare App. Enter your email or cell phone number. The email and/or cell phone number should match what is in your school's information system or database.
Note: If your email or phone number is not recognized by ParentSquare, you can 'Request Access' or call your school office and ask them to update your contact information.
2) Next, create your password and confirm your password. Click Continue.
3) You will receive a registration code via email or text. Enter your registration code and click 'Verify'. This will take you to your ParentSquare home feed!
Note: If your registration link has expired, a new one will need to be sent to you. Please contact your school's admin and ask for a new link to be sent to you.
How do I change the language settings on ParentSquare?
ParentSquare allows you to change your language setting if users would like to get posts in a different language.
1. On the home page select the down arrow next to your name. This will be in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
2. Click on My Account
3. Select Change this under the Language Setting.
4. Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu and click Save.
Language Settings via iOS App
1. On the home page select the three bars on the upper right-hand corner of the page.
2. Click on Account, then Preferences
3. From the Preference screen select Language Setting
4. Once you select your preferred language, it will be updated/saved.
Can I change how and when I receive notifications?
ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications based on notification type and select their preferred delivery method for each school. Notification types include:
- Emergency & Student Notices (cannot be disabled)
- School Alerts
- General Announcements & Messages
For General Announcements, you can also select if you would like to receive instant or digest email, app and text notifications. If the digest is chosen, then you’ll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification every day in the evening with all posts from that day.
Update your Notification Preferences (Web Portal)
1. On your home page select the down arrow next to your name and click on My Account.
2. Click Notification Settings from the left menu.
3. Choose your preferred Notification Settings for General Announcements & Messages (Off, Instant or Digest) and School Alerts (On or Off). Once you've made selections, messages in the future will be sent based on your preferences.
Update your Notification Preferences (Mobile Apps)1. From your home screen click the triple bar in the top left corner2. Click on "Account" and then "Preferences".
3. Click on "Notification Settings" 4. Select how you would like to be notified.
How to reset your password in ParentSquare
You can reset or change your password from both our web browser or the app. Read below to find out how.
Reset Password on Web Browser:
1. Sign out of your ParentSquare account, and go to to Click on 'Forgot Password' under the password field.
2. Enter in the email address or phone number associated with your ParentSquare account and click "Go."
If you enter an email address or phone number that is not associated with your ParentSquare account, you will be taken to a form to provide information to your school to add you in. This may take a day or so. Please follow up with your child's school.
If you entered your cell phone number associated with your ParentSquare account, you will receive directions to reset your password via text.
If you entered your email address associated with your ParentSquare account, check your email inbox for an email from ParentSquare and click "Reset your password." Follow the instructions to create a new password.
Reset Password on App:
1. Click on the three vertical bars in the top left.
2. Click on "Account".
3. Click "Change Password."
1. Enter in the email address or phone number associated with your ParentSquare account.
2. Click "Continue."
3. Click "Forgot/Change Password."
4. Enter in your new password.
5. Check your email inbox or texts for your reset password code. Type in the six digit code into the Reset Password Code box and click "Continue."
I do not see all of my children in ParentSquare
Users should be able to see all of their children and schools in one ParentSquare account.
Examples could include:
- I am a parent, and I do not see any/all of my children in the same districts in my account when I login.
- I am a district staff member, and I do not see my children in my account when I login.
- I am a staff/parent in one district, and I do not see any/all of my children from another district in my account when I login.
If you are missing a child/school, it may be because:
- You have more than one ParentSquare account with different contact information
- Your contact information is inconsistent across the schools' student information systems.
For example, the screenshots below show a parent with an email at one school and a phone number at another. As a result, they have two accounts:
PARENTS: To add a child or school,
- you must contact your school(s) directly to update your contact information. Ensure you have the same email and phone number on file for all children and all schools.
- Contact data is managed, updated and controlled by your school (or district), ParentSquare syncs with this information but cannot edit or change it.
We sync with the school databases nightly. The day after the change is made at your school, you should be able to log out and log back in to ParentSquare to see your updated information.
How to submit an attendance note
Note: This page provides instructions on how to submit a note on ParentSquare if you have received a notification. If you have not, please contact your school office to discuss the absence.
Parents and Guardians can view Attendance Notices on their app or web site and can submit notes back to the school. This feature is only available if your school has Attendance Notes enabled.
1) Click on "Send Note to School"
2) You will be able to enter the reason for absence in the next window, when you are ready "click on Submit
Note: As soon as you "click" submit, the schools attendance office will receive your note.
How to View, Send, or Reply to a Message
When you sign into ParentSquare, you are viewing posts that are sent to the school, grade levels, classes, or groups. Messages are a way to communicate with one or more individuals. ParentSquare allows parents to send a message to a teacher or school staff member. Some schools also allow for parents to message other parents.
You will receive notifications from all of your children's schools. There is no need to be logged in or registered to receive your notifications. When you are logged into ParentSquare, you will be viewing messages & posts for each school site. You can switch between schools in the app or web browser.
Viewing your Messages on a Web Browser
1. If you need to switch schools, click "Switch School" in the top left.
2. Once you are in the correct school, click "Messages" in the left sidebar.
3. The middle column will display the people with whom you have active conversations and the start of the last message sent. Clicking on the last message sent will display the entire conversation in the column on the right. You may use the scroll bar to scroll up and down in the conversation. You may delete the entire conversation by clicking the trash can icon. (This will delete it from your view only.)
Viewing your Messages on the App
1. If you need to switch schools, click the menu icon (3 horizontal bars) in the top left, click "Schools" and click on the school name.
2. Click on the "Messages" icon in the bottom of your screen.
3. The last message received in a conversation and the name(s) of the people you are having a conversation with will be displayed. Click on one to see the entire conversation.
Sending a Message From a Web Browser
1. If you need to switch schools, click "Switch School" in the top left. (If you are messaging a teacher at Rincon Point School, you need to be in the Rincon Point School site in ParentSquare.)
2. On the left navigation toolbar, click "Messages."
3. Click "New Message."
4. You may have a Quick Select Recipients section, allowing you to check the checkbox to select a recipient. If you don't see your recipient in your Quick Select section, continue to the next step. If you do see your recipient(s), check the checkbox next to their name(s).
5. If you weren't able to select all of your recipient(s) in the Quick Select Recipients section, look for the Recipients section. Here, you can enter the first 3 or more letters of the recipient's name (or their child's name) and select the intended recipient. You may add more than one recipient to this line.
6. If two or more recipients are selected, you choose between private message or group message:
Private Message- Similar to BCC on an email. Each recipient will see the message as a message only to them. Once the message is sent, it will treat the message separate messages to all of your recipients. If any recipients reply, you will be the only one to receive the notification of their reply.
Group Message- All recipients will see who received the message (like a CC on an email) and all recipients will be notified every time anyone replies (like REPLY ALL on an email).
7. Type your message.
8. (Optional) Attach a photo by clicking the camera icon.
9. (Optional) Attach a file by clicking the paper clip icon.
Direct messages will be sent immediately via the recipient's preferred notification method.
Sending a Message From the App
1. If you need to switch schools, click the menu icon (3 horizontal bars) in the top left, click "Schools" and click on the school name.
2. Click the "+" in the top right corner.
2. Click "Message."
3. Begin typing the name of your recipient(s) in the To: field.
If two or more recipients are selected, you choose between private message or group message:
private message- Each recipient will see the message as a message only to them. Once the message is sent, it will treat the message separate messages to all of your recipients. If any recipients reply, you will be the only one to receive the notification of their reply.
group message - All recipients will see who received the message (like a CC on an email) and all recipients will be notified every time anyone replies (like REPLY ALL on an email).
4. Type your message in the New Message field.
5. Click the paper clip to attach photos or files.
6. Click "Send."
Replying to a Message Received via Email
Click the "View or Reply" button to respond to the message. If "Reply" is clicked in the email client software, then an email will be sent to [email protected] (and received by no one).
Replying to a Message Received via Text
Click on the link in the text message to respond. Texting a reply to 66458 will be seen by no one.
Replying to a Message Received via App
Clicking on your app notification will bring you into the app. You will need to follow the instructions above under "Viewing your Messages on the App" to locate the conversation and respond.
How to comment on a Post
ParentSquare is a two-way form of communication for registered users. When a message is posted users can ask a follow-up question or make a comment. Avoid negativity. Please refrain from comments about any teacher, parent, child, or other individual or group.
1. Click Comment under the post.
2. Type your comment or questions and click Comment.
3. Comment Notifications: Schools can choose to enable Public or Private comments. Most schools have private comments.
- Public comments - users can view all public comments made on a post they received and receive emails if they are part of the comment thread
- Private comments - only the person commenting and the person that posted the message can view the comment. The person that posted can reply and only commenter can see the reply.
4. Comment Settings: If your school has comments set to public, you can select to have your comment be private so that it is not visible to other parents.
- If your school has comments set to private, you cannot elect to have your comment be public.
- In order to make your comment private, click on the lock and you will see the status of your comment change from public to private.
5. What is the difference between a comment and a reply? The poster can determine if they want the reply to go back to the person that commented or to everyone in the comment thread.
- Reply - use when the comment only pertains to the person that commented. Note: if public comments are on at your school, all users will see the replies if logged in but will not get notified.
- Comment - use when everyone in the comment thread would benefit from the note
6. Automatic two-way translation: Comments on posts are automatically translated to the user's preferred language. User's can click "view original" in order to see what the commenter wrote in their language.
Comment on a Post via iOS App :
1. Click on the speech balloon emoji at the bottom left corner of the post.
2. Click on add Comment
3. Type your comment or questions and click on Done, then Submit.